Being Episcopalian
We are a vibrant and diverse community of people who think following Jesus is the best way to live our lives. We believe that God is love so we strive to welcome, respect, love and serve all of God’s children. You may wonder, what does it mean to be Episcopalian?

It means welcome! God loves everyone – no exceptions!
It means being part of the loving, liberating, life-giving Episcopal Branch of the Jesus Movement.
It means accepting the invitation to take up The Way of Love, a “rule of life” focused on practices for Jesus-Centered Life #wayoflove.

It means being a part of a community of 2.2 million other Episcopalians in 110 dioceses in the Americas and abroad, and being part of the world-wide Anglican Communion.
We are a part of the Diocese of Atlanta (North Georgia). We support the outreach efforts of the Diocese and leverage their resources to augment our parish.
It means participating in a unique structure of community:
In the Episcopal Church the ministers are all the baptized people of God, not just the ordained clergy.
Believing the Scriptures, comprised of the Old and New Testament, as well as some apocryphal texts, were written under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, who guides the Church in the interpretation of the Scriptures.

Practicing the “via media,” or middle way, in all we do because we believe everyone is beloved of God regardless of views on particular topics.
Practicing loving our neighbors as ourselves and upholding the dignity of every human being.
Celebrating a diversity of people and styles of worship unified in the communal use of the Book of Common Prayer.