Music Ministries
Music connects us to God in unique ways and allows us to express our love of God with our whole being
Have you ever noticed? Something incredible happens when we sing. You can feel it when you sing alone, but most especially when you sing as part of a community, a congregation in worship. Something awakens not only in the heart of each person but also in the collective heart of the body of Christ, connecting us to each other and to God in the deepest part of who we are.
Our choir serves primarily at the 11:00 service on Sunday mornings, and at holidays and special services. Our Director of Music, Barbara Tilley, directs the choirs and plays our excellent organ. We sing music of the masters, from the Renaissance to the 21st Century. Singers and musicians are always welcome. No audition is required. Musical training is not necessary to participate in the choir; it is helpful to read music, but not a requirement. We seek a willingness to commit, the heart to praise God, and a love for one another. The choir practices on Wednesday evenings at 5pm (except during the summer).
The handbell choir is another way performs several times a year during our 11:00am service and special occasions. There is no musical training necessary to participate in the choir, just come with a willing spirit. The handbell choir practices at 6:15pm on Wednesday and is lead by Judy Reardon.
Joyful Noise Praise Band
If you aren't interested in choral music, but like more folk and contemporary music, this is the place for you. Our praise band and singers lead the music the 3rd Sunday of each month, during the 9am service and during our Combined Service at 10am on the first Sunday of the month. Joyful Noise practices on the 2nd and 4th Sundays of each month at 5:00pm.