We Serve in our Parish
There are many ways to volunteer in our parish, "many hands make light work".
Altar Guild
Working hard behind the scenes, the Altar Guild cares for the altar, vestments, vessels, and altar linens of the parish. Altar Guild members prepare floral arrangements each week, set up the sanctuary for services, and clean up afterwards. If you have experience with flower arranging, we need you! Click here to join or ask questions.
Acolytes, Lay Eucharistic Ministers (LEM's), Lectors and Intercessors
We have many ways to be an active part of our service. Our acolytes, assist by acting as Crucifers (carrying the cross in the procession), torch bears (carrying and lighting candles), and carrying the Gospel book into the Sanctuary. They also help the rector prepare the table for communion.
LEM's assist the rector in administering the elements of Holy Communion, the consecrated bread and wine.
Lectors and Intercessors lead the congregation in the Bible readhings each week, and intercessors lead prayers of the people.
St. Martha's Guild
Our St. Martha's Guild carries meals to those recovering from illness or suffering a loss. They also provide receptions and refreshments for families and their guests before or after a funeral service. If you are interested in assisting in this ministry, contact us.
Episcopal Church Women (ECW)
The ECW serves in many ways. They support the Atlanta Dioceses' Church of the Holy Comforter and Church of the Common Ground by providing meals and support throughout the year. They also fundraise, hosting a Chili Dinner each fall, and provide community grants, or grants for needed items in our parish. They also provide scholarships to children and youth to attend retreats and summer camps. Our ECW chapter works with other chapters across the Atlanta Diocese and our ladies attend a weekend retreat at Camp Mikell each spring. For more information, contact Wanda Carr.
Welcoming and Hospitality
Our Welcoming team provides hospitality after the 9am and 11am services and organizes our potluck meals on the first Sunday of every month. If you are interested in helping out, contact Jennifer Morgan.
Pastoral Care
These ministries, include Eucharistic Visitors who bring the sacrament to those who cannot attend worship and Stephen Ministers are trained lay people who provide a caring ministry to those facing a crisis. Contact Mary Koblasz to learn more.
Christian Formation
These ministries include Children’s Ministry, Youth Ministry, and Adult Christian Formation. Programs include Sunday School for all ages, Youth Group, Children and Youth Events, Multigenerational and Intergenerational Programs, Weekday Bible Studies and classes, and other events to enrich the discipleship of all ages. We are always in need of volunteers in big and small roles to makes these programs a success. If you are interested in participating, contact Katie McDonald.
Building and Grounds
If you are good with a hammer and nail, or have a green thumb, then we need you. Our building and grounds team is on call to make small repairs when needed and have parish work days twice a year to keep our buildings and grounds looking tidy and functioning well for our various programs and ministries.