The King David Window
The King David Window is dedicated to God’s glory for the Gift of Music.
Throughout our history, music has been an important part of worship. The Bible is filled with many references to raising voices in song. The book of Psalms is a compilation of song books that were used in the temples before the birth of Christ.
We continue this tradition today. During our worship services, we read a Psalm together.
Our music ministry brings together musicians within our parish to share their talents and love of music in praise and thanksgiving of the Lord our God.

The upper part of the window shows a hummingbird feeding on nectar from a morning glory flower. The central image of King Davis symbolizes the psalmist and the musician in the Old Testament. In the image, King Davis is playing the lyre, and his appearance is one of a rugged individual because he was a very capable and fearless warrior and a shepherd of his people.
The lyre in King David’s hands was especially built by Mrs. Pamela W. Mayer’s husband for this occasion, and he also posed with it as a model for her as she modified Mary Foulks’ drawing.
The aureole surrounding King David’s image takes the place of the traditional “halo” used to express sainthood, though it can be questioned whether he can be called a saint or not. However, the Holy Scripture tells us that he was chosen, anointed to be King of Israel, that he was beloved by God, and that he never went to battle without first commending himself to God. The aureole honors his devotion to God.
The morning glories surrounding King David remind us that he was like a breath of fresh flowers in the history of Israel, and they also portray Israel crossing the threshold from a small nation into historic greatness. The color purple of the morning glories symbolizes royalty and penitence. Royalty refers to David’s kingship, and penitence for his sin of adultery from which he publicly repented at the urging of the prophet Nathan. The daffodils in the lower portion of the window symbolize the Holy Trinity; they are also abundant flowers in our region during spring.
The window was donated by Mr. and Mrs. Walton (Mary Elizabeth) Davis.
The window was installed in January of 2006.